Tuesday, September 2

Summer of the Rat

The summer of 2008 is not the year to take off in Athletics, for it is an Olympic year. But since this was my circumstance I made the most of my first summer off in over 10 years.

Bold & Beautiful
If you missed seeing the August cover of Chatelaine you missed a good one. I was fortunate to be one of three Olympians featured smack dab on the front. Alex Orlando, rhythmic gymnastics and Sherraine Schalm, fencing were the other two lovely ladies.

We shot the cover months before the games in Montreal and had a blast for eight hours on set. I'm all about giggling, double sided tape and fake eye lashes.

The magazine was fully briefed on my injury and we talked about the possibility I would have to sit out the games if my doctors thought it was too risky to compete. As a publication they could have totally gave me the boot, but rather they graciously and rightly decided that every story needed to be told. That is, both the triumphant and hard knocked, afterall sport encompasses both.

Hats off to Myles, Rachel and everyone at Chatelaine for featuring bold and beautiful by having three female Olympic athletes grace their legendary cover!

Happy Per-day to Me
Last year on August 29th I spent by birthday racing for a medal in Osaka at the World Championships. Silver was to be my gift.

That same date in 2006 I spent it racing in Zagreb, Croatia. Gifted with microwave popcorn from fellow hurdler Ginnie Powell and going shopping with her and Lolo Jones to the local flea market.

The 2005 edition of P-day had me in yet another European city, alone.
Where? I can’t remember.
Indeed, it was that exciting.

In 2004 I spent my birthday in the Olympic village watching the closing ceremonies on TV, my injured heel to bruised to make the march.

I rang in 23 the golden way, the newly minted 2003 World Champion. Earning the first global title by a female track athlete in Canadian history.

So basically if you ask me about my last ten birthdays I can tell you each one revolved around my racing. No cake, no candles, no townhouse in Pickering filled with family singing me ‘Happy Per-day’.

Enter 8.29.08

Taking full advantage of the situation, I planned a “Perdita’s Favourite Things” themed 28th Birthday party. It was for 150 of my closest friends in downtown Toronto and for four hours we partied like Track Stars (with the summer off, no less).

Thanks everyone for coming! It was memorable and my first organized birthday party since I was 6 years old-—where I still remember cheating while playing pin the tail on the donkey.

I went to Beijing as an analyst for CBC, a decision I thought long and hard about. I loved the new found challenge and seeing my third Olympics in a whole new way. Not everyone would have discussed from the sidelines an event they should have been in.
Think it courageous, cruel or cool, I have no regrets and loved every minute of it. I missed my day job yes, but dug the moonlight immensely.

It made me appreciate how fruitful and fragile life as a jock can be, and I can’t wait to be in the thick of that once again. Loving CBC for granting me that oppurtunity and the resulting perspective.

Next Up…

Wedding Bells
My bestest is getting married this weekend in Chicago and I’m going down for the ceremony. I better get a shout out from the preacher because I am the one that brought them together. Twas that fateful day in T.dot three years ago, this month. I bring people together...E-harmony better hurry up and get at me!

Autumn of the Rat Looms
I plan to regain my regular training routine in October. I’ll update you soon on what training has been like and the plan moving forward.

I had a great summer, worked hard and got to do many things I normally can't because of my racing schedule. But I am ready to get back to the grind...who knew I'd miss lactic acid and post workout pukes so much.