Wednesday, April 6

Filthy Socks

No athlete wants to be sidelined, but the truth is it is a part of the path we choose, it's hard not to demand so much from your body and not have it rebel or go on strike sometimes. You just hope it isn't often and that when it happens it doesn't cost you much time or come at a critical time.

Since the end of February I've missed five weeks, two weeks missed was for a bruised heel. I got back for a solid two weeks and got a bout of tendinitis, that was not major but could turn into something permanent if I didn't give it a chance to calm down. So I spent two weeks in the pool and another ten days coming back slowly. Tendons are slow to heal and if you let them get bad you'll be crying all season, if you do have one.

Tuesday was my first time over hurdles in just under a month, and it felt glorious! I haven't lost much in technique but need to get some race speed ASAP.

It was also my first day back doing long fast runs in spikes aka lactic acid and it hurt something terrible. I've chronicled the aftermath and a little surprise from CBC in the following video.... Take care xo



Nicole Wendy Forrester said...

It's all about the Hool-A-Cise craze... yes indeed!

Nicole Wendy Forrester said...

BTW... This blog reminds me of my butt-lock blog...

Yes! Lactic Acid is a killer!!! People have no

Anonymous said...

I want one of go with my box of Cheerios!!! :O)

Glad you're feeling better!!


per said...

Hool-a-Cise Baby!!
Thanks YeaYa, go glad to be back. THanks for the note :)

Greg Keane said...

whoa that looks and sounds painful. Your always so inspiring, thanks for being you.

Colonial said...

So when will they be available in the US?=)Good to see your setback is poised to become a comeback=)

Anonymous said...

May 12th, Sound Academy Toronto.. Pass it on. Wish I could catch them again.

eva bruno said...

Mi raccomando pillole dimagranti caffè verde, li ho comprati dal e posso in buona coscienza raccomandare!

Unknown said...

J'en veux un!